Making more informed choices with EPDs

Now you can buy aggregates with known environmental impact, linked to the specific site where they are produced. This provides you with a basis for more accurate environmental and climate calculations.

Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are demanded for all types of constructions, in order to measure a project's environmental impact and to achieve sustainability goals. Today, it is still customary to use generic values. But we are not satisfied with this.

With the help of a certified method of developing EPDs, linked to the terminal, quarry or gravel pit from which the product originates, we are making the EPDs' content more specific in a way that is not possible when only using generic data. We do this in order to:

  • Give you, as our customer, a more transparent, fact-based and precise basis for your environmental and climate calculations
  • Identify actions giving measurable, reduced environmental impact at a specific site
  • Improve our own processes and find best practice in the company, in order to reduce our own activities' environmental footprint
  • Be able to offer our customers the sector's most sustainable solutions for stone materials

An EPD is more than a climate declaration

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) presents the environmental performance of a product or service from a life cycle perspective, in a transparent, objective and standardized way. An EPD does not just include the climate declaration, reporting greenhouse gas emissions. It also includes data on the product's entire environmental impact, from eutrophication and acidification, to the consumption of resources. Example of aspects included in our calculations for a site are explosives, fuels, electricity, transports and the impacts on the soil and aquatic environment.

A certified process for the creation of EPDs makes us proud pioneers in the construction industry. It is good to be able to offer products that are the result of active efforts to map and reduce emissions in our part of the value chain Patrik Österberg, EPD process manager, NCC Industry, Stone Materials.