Making more informed choices with EPDs

It is now possible to purchase asphalt mixtures with known environmental impact, linked to the specific asphalt plants where they are produced. This provides the basis for more accurate environmental and climate calculations.

Site- and product-specific EPDs

In order to obtain sharper and more specific Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), we at NCC have had an EPD process in place since 2019. The process is third-party certified and through it we produce environmental product declarations, linked to the asphalt plant where the product is manufactured.

In these EPDs, we report the environmental impact of our products in a way that is not possible when using standard data alone. We do this to:

  • Give you as a customer a more transparent, fact-based and precise basis for your environmental and climate calculations.
  • Identify which measures provide measurable and reduced environmental impact in the manufacture of asphalt products at a specific plant.
  • Improve our own processes and disseminate good examples within the company to reduce the environmental and climate footprint of our own operations.
  • To be able to offer our customers asphalt products produced with lower CO2e emissions compared to traditional production.