Illustration of the new Granåsen Sports Park in Trondheim, Norway.

Granåsen Sports Park, Trondheim

NCC and Trondheim Municipality signed a contract for the construction of the new Granåsen Sports Park on 9 April. The project has been optimized through an initial coordination phase, and participants in the project have jointly drawn up robust technical solutions and plans for the implementation phase. The contract value is approximately NOK 470 million.

The project includes the expansion of the in-run on the large hill, a new in-run on the normal hill, improvement and redesign of the landing slope on both hills, a new shooting arena for the biathlon, a new ski bridge, a new judges' tower, a new viewing platform, a new arena building with shooting range integrated into the grandstand and a new chair lift, plus work to secure the slopes, drainage and access roads.

The ski jumps need to be completed before the winter season 2022/23, and the entire sports park must be ready for handover in the summer of 2023.

"Careful and robust have been the keywords in the project development of a facility that is sustainable in its operation and use, whether for everyday purposes or major competitions. We are pleased with the partnership so far, and look forward to getting started with the construction work," said Mona Åsgård, Project Manager at Trondheim Municipality, at the contract signing ceremony.

NCC has developed the necessary processes to excel as a value-creating early phase contractor. Close cooperation and the use of digital tools and 3D models have optimized the ski jump and the construction process.
NCC and Trondheim Municipality are taking into account the requirements of the athletes in one of the world’s most spectacular sports, while also building an everyday facility for other users.

During the development phase, NCC has extensively used digital tools and 3D models in its communication within the project organization and with third parties such as ski jumping stakeholders at local, national and international level. This ensures that all those involved have the same understanding of the plans that are in place at any given time.

Environmental ambitions

During the coordination phase, ambitious environmental goals and plans have been implemented for the project. The aim is to have the project CEEQUAL certified.


The project’s first priority in planning and implementation is safety, both on the construction site and for surrounding areas.

In particular the nursery that borders the construction site and other third parties in the area have been taken into account in the planning of the various building works and of the logistics in and out of the construction site.

NCC has also prepared risk assessments for various building works and will continuously prepare Safe Job Analyses for the work to be carried out, as well as holding daily safety briefings.