A man-made island is emerging in Copenhagen

In Nordhavn district in Copenhagen a unique and complex project is under way. NCC is creating a new man-made island, with apartments and an underground car park. Creating a new island is in a league of its own and has required years of preparation, where many of the competencies within NCC are combined to allow for a seamless construction process.

During the past decade, the Nordhavn district has been transformed into an attractive neighborhood combining the harbor’s rich history with a modern urban vibe. NCC has played a part in the development of the district, and with the construction of Kronløbsøen, our contribution continues.

Surrounded by water, the 9,500 m2 island will feature 233 apartments in the shape of a six-story building surrounding a green inner courtyard. Below, a four-level underground car park with the capacity for 1,100 vehicles will form the foundation of the construction. The underground car park will be connected to Nordhavn through a tunnel, while the ground level of the island will be connected to the mainland by three bridges. In this way, Kronløbsøen will be completely car-free.

A project out of the ordinary

The complexity of creating a new island is in a league of its own and has required years of preparation. Further, the fact that a comprehensive part of the construction takes place under water level comes with a wide range of challenges, which in turn demands the expertise and experience of an extensive team of engineers.

“We are dealing with a very complex project out of the ordinary. The mere fact that we are developing a new island in Nordhavn underlines how special this project is, and it’s hard to compare it with anything we have done before. The complexity of the project requires that we bring all our competencies into play,” says project director Trine Tindborg.

Combining competencies

As the turnkey contractor on the project, NCC can draw on the many competencies within the company to allow for a seamless process to realize the vision of the ambitious project.

“Being the main contractor on a project of this scale is a unique opportunity for us to show how we can unite our competent business units to deliver a smooth construction process”, says project director Trine Tindborg.

Several NCC units are involved in the project at Kronløbsøen. It is headed by Building East, but both Engineering, Stone materials, Hercules, and Civil Engineering play important roles in the project. It is all about utilizing NCC´s strengths internally.

“Luckily, we have had a very close and positive dialogue with the client from the very beginning of the project, which has allowed us to combine our competencies efficiently”, project director Trine Tindborg concludes.
Construction work on Kronløbsøen is due to be completed in 2023.