The Esturoy road tunnel in the Faroe Islands.

Road tunnels, Faroe Islands

NCC is building two subsea road tunnels, and a round about, on the Faroe Islands. The contract is divided into two sub-projects with a total contract value of 2,7 billion SEK.

The sub-sea tunnels means safer roads and shorter travel time between the main city Torshavn and several towns on the Faroe Islands. This is an important contribution to tieing communities, business and people closer together.
NCC has extensive experience in tunnel construction, and our Norwegian operations possess this cutting-edge expertise. We will be leveraging our experience from the two road tunnels that we built on the Faroe Islands in the early 2000s Kenneth Nilsson, Business Area Manager, NCC Infrastructure.

How we work with large projects

Complex, large projects challenge and develop you in a way nothing else will. NCC has the capacity to take on some of the largest projects in the Nordic region.